Click here to read "Some Thoughts on Happiness" - Shani's letter to her children, which was read at her levaya.

Click here for information on how to give tzedakah in Shani's memory.

Monday, July 1, 2013

My Friend Shani (by Gittie Farkas)

My Friend Shani

For four years of high school, Shani sat behind me in class.  A for Alster, B for Beer.  We had loads of fun, and got into tons of trouble.  I was always the instigator, but Shani was always up for a good time.  Our friendship endured for the 44 years since that first day in class. It started in high school, and continued through college years, our marriages, children and grandchildren.  We couldn't wait to share the news with each other when one of us had a new grandchild.  We didn't see each other often because of physical distance, but when we spoke every few weeks it was if we lived next door to each other. Shani had closer friends than me, but none who loved her more.

As you've heard over and over, her life was her family.  She was so incredibly proud of her children, and so madly in love with each and every one of her grandchildren. Her Mendy was her childhood sweetheart, her Prince and her Protector.  That he saved and extended her life many times over, we are all aware.  But it's the quality of life that he provided her that deserves the credit. Nothing was too good for her, no vacation out of reach.

I haven't stopped crying since we lost her, but I've come to realize that I'm not crying for her. She is finally pain free and doesn't have to put on a brave face for all those around her.  I am crying for me, and for all of you, and our tremendous loss. She represented to me all that was goodness, kindness and loyalty in a person.  To some, that might sound melodramatic, but to anyone who knew Shani it is an understatement and an inspiration.  Over the years, there were many incidents with people we knew, and  you never heard a judgmental word out of her.  

She believed the best of everyone, and in turn everyone loved her for it.

Shani you will be sorely missed, and I promise never forgotten.

Much love,


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